ARWA WaterPAC Annual Fundraising Raffle

ARWA’s Rural Water Political Action Committee (PAC)

ARWA’s Rural Water PAC is a Political Action Committee organized to promote and strive for the improvement of rural water in Alabama. Rural Water PAC enables individuals to collectively support political legislative candidates who share common interests in the success of rural water.

Each year, we raise money for the Rural Water PAC with a series of fun events at the conference. Buy tickets for a chance to compete for and win many prizes. Join us on Monday, March 17, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. to participate in this exciting fundraising raffle! Contact our office today to learn more!!!

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Learn More

water pac flyer

Why Is There a Need for a PAC?

To be competitive in today’s political climate, we must be able to financially support candidates sympathetic to rural water issues. This can only be done effectively through an organized PAC.

Who Can Contribute to the PAC?

The Office of the Attorney General, State of Alabama, has stated the following:

  • Members of the Rural Water Association who are separately incorporated from a county, city, or town may make contributions. This includes water, sewer, & fire protection authorities, systems or co-ops organized under article 10-4-190, business corporations and non-profit corporations.
  • Any individual may make contributions, (copy of complete Attorney General’s Opinion available upon request)



Because collective PAC contributions create a stronger united voice for rural water concerns than does a single direct contribution.

The purpose of Rural Water PAC is to improve state government by encouraging individuals to run for political office and to make contributions of funds to such state candidates and campaign committees as shall be determined to be in the best interest of Rural Water PAC. Contributions to Rural Water PAC are voluntary and are not a condition of membership in the Alabama Rural Water Association. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. The Alabama Rural Water Association will not favor or disadvantage any member by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute.